Warning message with yes/no choice. How to select yes automatical


John Melbourne

Dear user

I have a macro which contains a sequence of make table queries. Whenever I
run the macro I have to select yes to a warning message choice for each make
table query.

The make table query involves deleting the old table before creating a new
one and it always asks if it is ok to do so?

I would like to be able to avoid answering yes or no to this manually. I
have reason for using make table querys so I cant avoid the problem by not
using them.

I have looked for a macro action such as SetWarnings and SendKeys but to
resolved the problem but didnt find a solution there.

Suggestions are welcome.

Kind regards and thanks in advance


you tried the macro action SetWarnings with the WarningsOn argument set to
No, and it didn't work for you? i tested it in an A2000 format db running in
A2003, and it suppressed the warning messages as expected. did you get an
error message of some kind? what version of Access are you using?


John Melbourne

I'm using Access 2003 and I probably didnt use the SetWarnings action
properly when I tried it first. Since then I did what you said and it
worked. I also included another SetWarnings action at the end of the macro
to reset WarningsOn to yes again.

Thank you for your help


you're welcome :)

John Melbourne said:
I'm using Access 2003 and I probably didnt use the SetWarnings action
properly when I tried it first. Since then I did what you said and it
worked. I also included another SetWarnings action at the end of the macro
to reset WarningsOn to yes again.

Thank you for your help

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