((( WARNING ))) Pass it on if you have the courage. †

  • Thread starter guerrillaresistance_1
  • Start date


((( WARNING ))) Pass it on if you have the courage. †

American Soldiers are being killed by our own [[[ Coverment ]]]

9/11 was a inside job, The Iraq War is staged !!!

They need a excuse to stay in Iraq to steal the OIL.

Bush and Cheney are Mass Murderers and agents of the Elite Robber Oil

It's NOT a WAR on TERROR ! It's a WAR for OIL !

Sometimes the TRUTH is so ugly we do not want to believe it.
And sometimes the TRUTH is stranger then fiction!
If we do nothing, then we deserve it. Protect your Families.

Form Militia's !!!


Start Calling Our Boys Home from Iraq Right Now !

Our Love Ones are slaughtered for the lack of knowledge !!!

Long Live The Republic. We Must Resist Tyranny.

Sons of Liberty Militia
Tim Stine
312 S. Wyomissing Ave.
Shillington, Pa. 19607 U.S.A.
(e-mail address removed)

The revolution has started !!!
It's time to start over.



Hi again,

This works great. One little glitch. If i enter numeric values, all is
well. if i enter non-numeric values, an error fires.

Problem: if i enter data, then remove it, the non-numeric error message
fires. Not good. I want the user to be able to leave the field blank if
they do not have the information.


Thanks again for your help, i really appreciate it. Code below:

Private Function EvaluateText(anyEntry As String) _
As Boolean

EvaluateText = False ' all is well
If Not IsNumeric(anyEntry) Then
MsgBox "This field accepts numeric data only. Please revise your entry
and try again."
EvaluateText = True ' to be copied to Cancel
Exit Function ' exit with True
End If
'if it makes it to here, it is numeric and
'EvaluateText will be False, which will NOT
'trigger the Cancel in the calling routine, so
'you should move on to the next control now.
End Function


JLGWhiz said:
I thought Moveon.org had its on web site.

((( WARNING ))) Pass it on if you have the courage. †

American Soldiers are being killed by our own [[[ Coverment ]]]

9/11 was a inside job, The Iraq War is staged !!!

They need a excuse to stay in Iraq to steal the OIL.

Bush and Cheney are Mass Murderers and agents of the Elite Robber Oil

It's NOT a WAR on TERROR ! It's a WAR for OIL !

Sometimes the TRUTH is so ugly we do not want to believe it.
And sometimes the TRUTH is stranger then fiction!
If we do nothing, then we deserve it. Protect your Families.

Form Militia's !!!


Start Calling Our Boys Home from Iraq Right Now !

Our Love Ones are slaughtered for the lack of knowledge !!!

Long Live The Republic. We Must Resist Tyranny.

Sons of Liberty Militia
Tim Stine
312 S. Wyomissing Ave.
Shillington, Pa. 19607 U.S.A.
(e-mail address removed)

The revolution has started !!!
It's time to start over.



Hello Carlee,

I think you have replied to a message in a different thread. I don't
imagine many people will be reading this one for some reason!


Carlee said:
Hi again,

This works great. One little glitch. If i enter numeric values, all is
well. if i enter non-numeric values, an error fires.

Problem: if i enter data, then remove it, the non-numeric error message
fires. Not good. I want the user to be able to leave the field blank if
they do not have the information.


Thanks again for your help, i really appreciate it. Code below:

Private Function EvaluateText(anyEntry As String) _
As Boolean

EvaluateText = False ' all is well
If Not IsNumeric(anyEntry) Then
MsgBox "This field accepts numeric data only. Please revise your
and try again."
EvaluateText = True ' to be copied to Cancel
Exit Function ' exit with True
End If
'if it makes it to here, it is numeric and
'EvaluateText will be False, which will NOT
'trigger the Cancel in the calling routine, so
'you should move on to the next control now.
End Function


JLGWhiz said:
I thought Moveon.org had its on web site.

((( WARNING ))) Pass it on if you have the courage. ?

American Soldiers are being killed by our own [[[ Coverment ]]]

9/11 was a inside job, The Iraq War is staged !!!

They need a excuse to stay in Iraq to steal the OIL.

Bush and Cheney are Mass Murderers and agents of the Elite Robber Oil

It's NOT a WAR on TERROR ! It's a WAR for OIL !

Sometimes the TRUTH is so ugly we do not want to believe it.
And sometimes the TRUTH is stranger then fiction!
If we do nothing, then we deserve it. Protect your Families.

Form Militia's !!!


Start Calling Our Boys Home from Iraq Right Now !

Our Love Ones are slaughtered for the lack of knowledge !!!

Long Live The Republic. We Must Resist Tyranny.

Sons of Liberty Militia
Tim Stine
312 S. Wyomissing Ave.
Shillington, Pa. 19607 U.S.A.
(e-mail address removed)

The revolution has started !!!
It's time to start over.
