Warnings on Web Pages



How does one turn off warnings on a web page opened through an Excel Macro.

I get the "warning you are about to be redirected to a connection that is
not secure" and I want it to just stop showing me that when I open the
webpage, because it halts the macro. Can this be done?


Code used to open the webpage:

Function Get_Online_Report()

Application.DisplayAlerts = False

Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
With ie
.Visible = True
.navigate "http://siteaddresshere"
Do Until .readystate = 4
With .Document.Forms(0)
.Item("UserName").Value = "Your UserName Here"
.Item("Password").Value = "Your Password Here"
End With
End With
Set ie = Nothing
End Function

So when I get to the .Item("Submit").Click, it halts the macro and states
"You Do Not Have Permission" and I am hunching that it has something to do
with the warning. Or am I way off?


ALSO, I wanted to know what the code looks like to close the webpage once
done with it. I can get it to open up, but have no idea how to automatically
have the macro close it down when all is finished. Thanks again!!!

Dave Miller

You should use this line to get past the pop up:

Application.Sendkeys "~"

To close the ie window when done use this:



The application.sendkeys "~" didn't work for me, perhaps I'm using it in the
wrong place. Where would you place it?

It didn't error out, just ran through it and nothing happened.

Dave Miller

You may want to add a wait statement before the sendkeys:

Application.Wait Now() + TimeValue("00:00:01")
Application.SendKeys "~", True

Adjust the timevalue until the enter key hits the popup.

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