

Kate G.

do you mean watermarks? What version of Word are you using?

In Word 2000 --- double click the image -- and in the Format Picture Dialog
Box -- go to the Picture Tab and in the Image Control Section -- set the
color to WATERMARK. You may also wish to go to the Layout Tab and set it
BEHIND TEXT --- or Insert your Graphic in the first place in the
Header/Footer layer of the document. (If you already have it in the main
document -- cut then go to the Header/Footer Layer and paste). Either of
those options will place your text on top of your image.

If you don't mean watermark -- then what do you mean by washout?

Kate in MN

Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Debby,

When you insert a picture then select it, when the
picture toolbar appears one of the icons is for 'color'.

Under the color icon, one of the four choices is 'washout'
(in newer versions of Word). All that setting does is
create a preset value under Format=>Picture=>Picture
of 85% Brightness and 15% Contrast. You can use that
preset for a 'speedy' way to 'fade out' a picture, but
you can also use any manually selected value you choose.

If you use the Format=>Background=>Printed Watermark choice
that Kate mentioned and choose to insert a picture and check
the 'washout' setting Word applies that same preset contrast
& brightness value.

would like information on creating washouts >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

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