Watermark / Background Not Centered


Jim Haney

I have two documents that are used as templates. I am
using Windows 2000 and Word 2000. On some of my PCs the
document will work fine, however on others, the watermark
or background shifts to the left. This leaves the Right-
hand border of the watermark in the center of the page
and the left paft of the watermark off the page and not

At one time I had found the solution to this and had
fixed it on a couple of my machines -- I believe it is a
registry setting. However, my poor organization skills
helped my lose the fix and I cannot find it.

It is not a setting in the document itself, because on
some machines it shows correctly, and others it does not.

If you wish to see what is happening, email me and I will
send you a picture.

Thank You
Jim Haney
(e-mail address removed)
(541)389-0981 x321

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