I am using Word 2000 on XP. I have two problems.
All I want to do is scan a form. Place it in my word doc as a header/footer
so that it becomes a watermark. Then add text boxes with merge codes inside
to use this form with a excel database.
However, when I insert my jpg or pdf into the header/footer the "form
graphic" is not visable. The box outline appears and the form will print
properly. I just can't see the form visually in the document. This makes
inserting the text boxes and merge codes a problem.
I used another computer in our office to do the same thing and had no
trouble. I e-mailed the completed word file to my computer, opened it up and
still cannot view the contents of the file.
What has happened? Can anyone suggest a fix. I do not think I have changed
any settings on my comptuer. I did play with the default "open" in
particular program choice for .jpg's and .tiff's in the control panel, folder
options/file extentions area. But, have since restored to default those
About six months ago, I was able to perform the above tasks with no problem
at my computer. I can still bring up those files, view and change any
aspects of them.
Just cannot create any new files.
The other problem that seems to have changed is that if I scan something as
a .pdf and try to insert into my word doc via insert/object or just plain old
insert file or insert picture.....all I get is jibberish inserted into my
word docs.
HELP!!!!!! I have 10 forms that I need to scan in, add text box and merge
codes to.
Thank you.
All I want to do is scan a form. Place it in my word doc as a header/footer
so that it becomes a watermark. Then add text boxes with merge codes inside
to use this form with a excel database.
However, when I insert my jpg or pdf into the header/footer the "form
graphic" is not visable. The box outline appears and the form will print
properly. I just can't see the form visually in the document. This makes
inserting the text boxes and merge codes a problem.
I used another computer in our office to do the same thing and had no
trouble. I e-mailed the completed word file to my computer, opened it up and
still cannot view the contents of the file.
What has happened? Can anyone suggest a fix. I do not think I have changed
any settings on my comptuer. I did play with the default "open" in
particular program choice for .jpg's and .tiff's in the control panel, folder
options/file extentions area. But, have since restored to default those
About six months ago, I was able to perform the above tasks with no problem
at my computer. I can still bring up those files, view and change any
aspects of them.
Just cannot create any new files.
The other problem that seems to have changed is that if I scan something as
a .pdf and try to insert into my word doc via insert/object or just plain old
insert file or insert picture.....all I get is jibberish inserted into my
word docs.
HELP!!!!!! I have 10 forms that I need to scan in, add text box and merge
codes to.
Thank you.