Watermark disappears



I am using Word 2000 on XP. I have two problems.

All I want to do is scan a form. Place it in my word doc as a header/footer
so that it becomes a watermark. Then add text boxes with merge codes inside
to use this form with a excel database.

However, when I insert my jpg or pdf into the header/footer the "form
graphic" is not visable. The box outline appears and the form will print
properly. I just can't see the form visually in the document. This makes
inserting the text boxes and merge codes a problem.

I used another computer in our office to do the same thing and had no
trouble. I e-mailed the completed word file to my computer, opened it up and
still cannot view the contents of the file.

What has happened? Can anyone suggest a fix. I do not think I have changed
any settings on my comptuer. I did play with the default "open" in
particular program choice for .jpg's and .tiff's in the control panel, folder
options/file extentions area. But, have since restored to default those

About six months ago, I was able to perform the above tasks with no problem
at my computer. I can still bring up those files, view and change any
aspects of them.

Just cannot create any new files.

The other problem that seems to have changed is that if I scan something as
a .pdf and try to insert into my word doc via insert/object or just plain old
insert file or insert picture.....all I get is jibberish inserted into my
word docs.

HELP!!!!!! I have 10 forms that I need to scan in, add text box and merge
codes to.

Thank you.


For issue #1, take a look at Tools>Options>View to maake sure you don't have
a check in the box for Picture Placeholders. Also, keep in mind that the
Header/Footer content will not display in Normal View. There are other
possibilities, so if this doesn't resolve it post back with your results.

Can't help you with issue #2 as I've never worked with PDFs in Word 2000,
but it can be problematic even in more recent versions. PDFs are _not_ the
image files they appear to be. They are 'containers' and the content within
can be reminiscent of that in Pandora's Box.

HTH |:>)


Thank you for your help. I checked the "picture placeholders." It is
unchecked. I seem to have no trouble inserting actual pictures now. They do
show up, but scanned text does not. I scanned in the text doc and saved as a
word doc. That should do the trick, but it does not.

I have been iusing "insert/file" into header/footer. I can view the
inserted file as a "watermark" while in print preview only. However, all
other views are totally blank docs. Print preview would be fine if I did not
need to add text boxes and and merge codes.

The text boxes and merge codes I am familar with. While perusing all the
various word menus, I noticed that I no longer have the "watermark" option
under Format menu/backgrounds.

If you have any suggestions, please help.

Thank you,

Suzanne S. Barnhill

If the form has been added as a "watermark," it is probably "washed out."
Add that to the dimming of header content that is standard when you are in
the document body, and the form might be too light to see.


Sorry for the delayed response, but I have been traveling & didn't have
access to an Office 2000 system. However, I have now been able to go back &
check to confirm my suspicions...Word 2000 handled Watermarks differently
than '02 & '03 (you haven't been using one of the later versons along the
line, have you:>?). Watermark is not an option in the Format>Background
submenu in that version of Word, it's handled as a property of the image
being used.

If you haven't yet resolved the issue, try this:

Go to the Header/Footer, select the 'image' & if it doesn't automatically
appear turn on the Picture Toolbar (or go into the Format Picture dialog box).

Set the Image Control to Automatic rather than Watermark, which should
resolve the main problem.

If the content is still too light, use the Brightness & Contrast settings to
adjust further.

If this isn't available, it may be due to having inserted as File. Try using
Insert>Picture>From File instead & see if that works better. (Based on my
understanding of your procedure, you may also have to rescan/resave the
'form' file as an image format rather than as a Word doc.)

Also, in Word 2000 you _can_ go into Print Preview, Click the Mgnifier
button (second from left on the toolbar) and be able to edit the doc as
though you were in Print Layout View... you just don't have the same toolbars
readily available.

HTH |:>)

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