

Doug Chaplin

In Word 2003, using the watermark feature to put the word "Draft" on every
page produces the strange effect that the letters "D A T" appear on odd
pages, and "R F" on even ones. Is this a bug? Or are there other
explanations which will let me fix this.

F. Edwin Felty

Doug Chaplin said:
In Word 2003, using the watermark feature to put the word "Draft" on every
page produces the strange effect that the letters "D A T" appear on odd
pages, and "R F" on even ones. Is this a bug? Or are there other
explanations which will let me fix this.

My HP G85 does this if I print draft instead of normal...maybe a driver

Eddie in Colorado Springs

"[A]bort, [R]etry, [G]et your money back?"

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