

Teresa Collins

I have a copy of our logo in WordPerfect. It is not
saved a jpeg or any other drawing. When you click on it
it places a box around it and you can copy or size it.

My question is how can I copy this logo into word and
make it a watermark.

I can copy the design fine, but am unable to create it as
a watermark.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.


Bob Buckland ?:-\)

Hi Teresa,

While you can copy it to Word and retrieve a copy
from Windows explorer by either using the Office
Clipboard taskpane in Word or File=>Web Page Preview
you may have better results if you paste it into
MS Windows Paint,
MS Office Photo Editor
or Irfanview (http://www.irfanview.com)
or another graphics app available to you and
saving from there as a graphics file that you can
then use with Word documents through
Insert=>Picture from File (choose link only or
choose to insert the graphic itself in the Word
documents.). That will also make it available
as a [Browse for it] graphic to use in the
Format=>Background=>Printed Watermark feature.

I have a copy of our logo in WordPerfect. It is not
saved a jpeg or any other drawing. When you click on it
it places a box around it and you can copy or size it.

My question is how can I copy this logo into word and
make it a watermark.

I can copy the design fine, but am unable to create it as
a watermark.

Any help you can give is greatly appreciated.

Teresa >>
I hope this helps you,

Bob Buckland ?:)
MS Office System Products MVP

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