


I have a background image I got off the 'net. I enlarged
it in Microsoft Picture it! 9 to be 9"x12". I opened a
blank document in word, chose Format>Background>Printed
Watermark>Picture Watermark>200%>no washout. When I
printed the page, the image didn't quite make the edge ~
fell short by maybe 1/4 inch. I tried various sizes but no
good. How can I create a full size watermark, duplicating
pre-printed designer paper?


There is always a non-printing area, even on the best home
printers. Most cannot print within 2 picas of the edge,
and some must be more. See your printer's tech specs or
web site for that info.

BTW - Commercial printers who create those beautiful
designer pages use specialized equipment and oversize
paper, then trim it down.

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