Way to make dichotomous keys?



Is there any way to make dichotomous keys in Word other than manually
(i.e., using automatic numbering)? There are many forms of dichotomous
keys, but I am just interested in the simplest form, such as those
used in floras or faunas for identification, for example:

1. Flowers yellow......................2
2. Petals fused......................Plantus petalafusus
2' Petals free.........................Plantus petalafreeus
1' Flowers purple.......................3
3. Leaves simple....................4
4. Flowers unisexual.........Plantus unisexualus
4' Flowers bisexual............5
5. Stamens 4.................Plantus qudristaminus
5' Stamens 8..................Plantus octostaminus
3' Leaves compound...............6
6. Stigma 3-lobed...............Plantus stimgalobus
6' Stigma simple.................7
7. Fruit a berry................Plantus withaberryus
7' Fruit a nut...................Plantus withanutius

Obviously, this is a made up example. Anyone have an idea how to do
this? It may not be possible with the current version of Word, and
there probably isn't a huge call for this feature, but it would be
nice to be able to make these automatically (for those few of us that
would want to do such a thing).


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