Andre Laplume via AccessMonster.com
I seem to remember being able to somehow schedule a db to open and fire off a
macro. I remember (at Ieast think I do) doing this from the START RUN
window, or in the task scheduler. The command was something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE"
"G:\MyDBS\MyDB.mdb" /excl /x mcrMyMacro"
Anyone remember how to do this? When I do this in the task schedule it opens
the db but does not start the macro....
OOPs a typo...the statement that DOES NOT work is:
AdjAmt: Sum(IIf([TYPE]=2 And Left(Date(),2)="07",[Amt]*[Percent],IIf([TYPE]=1,
macro. I remember (at Ieast think I do) doing this from the START RUN
window, or in the task scheduler. The command was something like this:
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office11\MSACCESS.EXE"
"G:\MyDBS\MyDB.mdb" /excl /x mcrMyMacro"
Anyone remember how to do this? When I do this in the task schedule it opens
the db but does not start the macro....
OOPs a typo...the statement that DOES NOT work is:
AdjAmt: Sum(IIf([TYPE]=2 And Left(Date(),2)="07",[Amt]*[Percent],IIf([TYPE]=1,