Tsu Dho Nimh
This is my first in-depth project with Word in a few years, and
the more I work with Wd2002 the less I like the so-called
improvements that have been made:
1) no full-text search in help (if MSFT forgot to index a topic,
it's not accessible to me)
2) dumbed-down help locally and online ... going to the MSFT site
for help just gets me the same info as they have on the CD, which
is to say, damned little.
3) loss of useful features for no apparent reason
4) Objects with differing methods for doing the same thing (like
setting an option box in the dialog)
5) Objects without methods that would be extremely useful
("Exists", for example, should be universal across the software,
but isn't, forcing some really wierd techniques for finding out
about existence by forcing errors and recovering from them ...
not exactly what I would call advanced software development.
6) No way to fix any of this: I'm rapidly becoming a fan of Open
Source Software. So far the OpenOffice developers have fixed
three bugs I brought to their attention, and have added several
features I requested. MSFT? Hah!
Tsu Dho Nimh
the more I work with Wd2002 the less I like the so-called
improvements that have been made:
1) no full-text search in help (if MSFT forgot to index a topic,
it's not accessible to me)
2) dumbed-down help locally and online ... going to the MSFT site
for help just gets me the same info as they have on the CD, which
is to say, damned little.
3) loss of useful features for no apparent reason
4) Objects with differing methods for doing the same thing (like
setting an option box in the dialog)
5) Objects without methods that would be extremely useful
("Exists", for example, should be universal across the software,
but isn't, forcing some really wierd techniques for finding out
about existence by forcing errors and recovering from them ...
not exactly what I would call advanced software development.
6) No way to fix any of this: I'm rapidly becoming a fan of Open
Source Software. So far the OpenOffice developers have fixed
three bugs I brought to their attention, and have added several
features I requested. MSFT? Hah!
Tsu Dho Nimh