The concept-Build a web based survey instrument, which people fill out, and
click a submit button. the results are captured, dumped to a text file Note:
the survey will be hosted on the corporate website, targeted individuals will
access the form from the outside via the web.
What I have-the questionaire in Word 2002.
What I need-help with the mechanics.
1. Easy enough to convert the form to a web page, how do you
insert/activeate a text field in each blank to capture the response?
2. How do you create a "submit" button
3. How do i create a script to number the response, and dumpt the data to
a text file or Excel page?
click a submit button. the results are captured, dumped to a text file Note:
the survey will be hosted on the corporate website, targeted individuals will
access the form from the outside via the web.
What I have-the questionaire in Word 2002.
What I need-help with the mechanics.
1. Easy enough to convert the form to a web page, how do you
insert/activeate a text field in each blank to capture the response?
2. How do you create a "submit" button
3. How do i create a script to number the response, and dumpt the data to
a text file or Excel page?