Web Browser Progress Bar

  • Thread starter Chris F via AccessMonster.com
  • Start date

Chris F via AccessMonster.com

Hello all-

I have two forms: MainForm PopUpForm
Main Form - Contains several subforms who's source object can change based
upon what the user wants to do. All are linked to a backend database
connected to a server.
When the user switchs the subform, there is a several second delay based upon
the number of records in the subform loading (2-5 seconds at the most). In
the delay, I wanted to utilize a progress bar, that though it does not
actually show the percentage of the load, can let the user know the system is
To complete this I made a second form (PopupForm) with a web browser control.
The on_open event of this form, navigates to a local htm file which contains
an animated gif image. On tests alone, the PopupForm works as it is expected.

However, when I call the routine to open the PopupForm right before changing
the source object, the Popupform loads but never appears to run the on_open

I have the following code on the MainForm:

Private Sub btn1_Click()

Call ProgressBarWeb

'Turn on Module
Call ModuleSource(1, True)

End Sub

Public Sub ProgressBarWeb

DoCmd.OpenForm "PopupForm", acNormal
End Sub

Public Sub ModuleSource(intModule As Integer, bolVisible As Boolean)

Select Case bolVisible
Case True

Me("sub" & intModule).SourceObject = Me("ref" & intModule).Tag
Me("Box" & intModule).Visible = True
Me("sub" & intModule).Visible = True

Case False
Me("sub" & intModule).SourceObject = ""
Me("Box" & intModule).Visible = False
Me("sub" & intModule).Visible = False

End Select

End Sub

On the PopupForm I have this code:
Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

txtstr = "C:\SMS\Images\blank.htm"

Me.MyMap.Navigate txtstr

End Sub

Is there someway else to call this event that the PopUpForm on_open event
fires prior to the subform loading?
Thank you in advance,

Daniel Pineault

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