I am having problems when using the Web Components to carry through the
connection saw HTTP:// with the Cube, making with that it carries
through an authentication with the user windows and the permissions of
the users in the cube. If someone will be able to help I will be been
set adomdCell = CreateObject("ADOMD.CellSet")
set adomdCat = CreateObject("ADOMD.Catalog")
adomdCell.ActiveConnection = "Provider=MSOLAP.2;Data
Source=http://<ip>/<virutal direcotyr>;Initial Catalog=<Base>"
strSource = "Select {[Measures].AllMembers} on Columns from [PBIT]"
adomdCell.Source = strSource
set adomdCat = nothing
set adomdCell = nothing
When i get this ERROR:
Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services error '80040e4d'
OS: All the permissions are correct. Only that I do not obtain to make
the integration and authentication with the users of the Windows and
the Cube
connection saw HTTP:// with the Cube, making with that it carries
through an authentication with the user windows and the permissions of
the users in the cube. If someone will be able to help I will be been
set adomdCell = CreateObject("ADOMD.CellSet")
set adomdCat = CreateObject("ADOMD.Catalog")
adomdCell.ActiveConnection = "Provider=MSOLAP.2;Data
Source=http://<ip>/<virutal direcotyr>;Initial Catalog=<Base>"
strSource = "Select {[Measures].AllMembers} on Columns from [PBIT]"
adomdCell.Source = strSource
set adomdCat = nothing
set adomdCell = nothing
When i get this ERROR:
Microsoft® OLE DB Provider for Analysis Services error '80040e4d'
OS: All the permissions are correct. Only that I do not obtain to make
the integration and authentication with the users of the Windows and
the Cube