web compontents for office 2000 small business



I have been building a database for my company. I have touted the fact that the database will be accessible through our company LAN by using the web components feature of Microsoft office. However, while trying to set up the data access pages, I have found that our office computers do not have the web components installed because it is not a standard feature for Office 2000 Small Business. How do I install the web components to our computers to allow us to access the database?

Your pointers will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, John.

Alvin Bruney

There are a couple of ways to do this, each with its own merits. You can
write a sniffer program to sniff out the component on the desktop, if it is
not there, you download from the microsoft website and have it install
itself. Your users will need to have installation permission to install the
package. Not all companies allow their worker bees that priviledge.

You can create a networkshare and have your users or an admin install the
components on the computers.

You will need to be aware of the licensing issues. You can read more about
this on my website at http://www.networkip.net/dotnet/tidbits/default.htm

Alvin Bruney
johntayl33 said:
I have been building a database for my company. I have touted the fact
that the database will be accessible through our company LAN by using the
web components feature of Microsoft office. However, while trying to set up
the data access pages, I have found that our office computers do not have
the web components installed because it is not a standard feature for Office
2000 Small Business. How do I install the web components to our computers
to allow us to access the database?

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