Web forms


James E Middleton

I'm wondering if anyone is using web-based form software.

If so, what platform, what product, etc.

I was using FP 2003 forms with an .asp connection to an Access DB with my
former ISP.

In addition I was, and still am using Perseus Survey Solutions 6.0 with Perl
scripting to process surveys and forms.

Actually, Perseus does exactly what I need to with the exception of Asian
character support, which has left me dead in the water.

Anyhow I've changed my ISP to Powweb, and since they are UNIX based, and
they don't support Access DB connections, I'm using FP 2003 forms and saving
the results to .txt files, converting to .csv files, and then importing
results to Access and Excel.

What I want:

Software that I run from my computer or my server, not a web based interface
that runs off the third party, or runs the script from the third party
server. (There are tons available for 'free' with branding, or for a monthly
fee, or lack Asian character support.)

Need to have: confirmation or preview page before submit, send confirmation
/ thank-you e-mail to client with data that was submitted, validation, and
Asian character support.

Running on UNIX server, so results need to be saved to MySQL via php, or to
a .txt, .tsv, .csv file - Must support Asian characters.

So far, sifting through a zillion hits I've narrowed down the choices to:




They all look promising, but I just wanted to ask if anyone was using
something that 'really works' or has better potential than these three.

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