The home page seems fine, but I noticed at least a couple things that might
be creating problems for you throughout the site.
I notice at least one occurrence of overlapping an image with a text file,
which converts both the image and the text into a "distorted" image. Be sure
an run the design checker, which should find those cases. Also use the Snap
To feature in Pub 2000 to avoid overlapping...makes it a lot easier to line
things up.
I noticed the use of bulleted lists, which has always created spacing issues
for me. You will probably find that there are a number of formatting options
that work in print documents, that do not work in web documents. Indents,
tabs, bulleted lists, and a few other things that escape me now, will create
weird spacing, because there is no Publisher HTML equivalent. So in general
if on other pages you are having spacing issues around text boxes, remove
all the paragraph formatting except for font formatting, do a web preview,
and see if that fixes the problem. Then add back formatting one step at a
time to see what you can and can not do. Welcome to web design...
If you have other specific issues, post back with those issues and the URL
with that issue. You have created a pretty ambitious site...just keep