Shawn said:
Thanks. A couple of follow-up questions...
The web server is just software, right?
Well, yeah, but it still needs a computer to run it on.
Imean it's not a separate computer, right?
You can run Web server software on the same computer that you use for
coding, database design and other tasks. In fact, this is what most
Web programmers do.
Can it run on the same box as the Access DB?
An Access DB is just a file, so yes, it can reside on the same
computer as above.
How much does a web server typically cost?
Nothing. Microsoft's Web server (Internet Information Server) comes
bundled with every copy of Windows 2000, Windows XP Professional, and
Windows Server 2003.
If you currently have Windows 98 or Windows XP Home, you'll need to
What I am looking for is the fastest way to build an online database system
that can be access over the web.
There are some very good tools and technologies available for this,
but nevertheless you should expect to spend some time getting up to
speed. For starters, you'll need some proficiency in all of these:
o Database design and implementation
o Visual Basic or C#
o ActiveX Data Objects (ADO)
o Structured Query Language (SQL)
o JavaScript
o Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
o The run-time environment that the Web server provides
You should also decide consciously whether to start with ASP or
ASP.NET. ASP is probably quicker and easier, but ASP.NET is much more
capable and these capabilities make ASP.NET more efficient in the long
Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out ||
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out ||
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition ||
|| Troubleshooting Microsoft FrontPage 2002 ||
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming ||
|| (All from Microsoft Press) ||