Hi Jock,
"Exact copies" of web pages is in Word is only possible if Microsoft Word
was used to create the web pages. A web page is a text file with a list of
instructions for the browser to follow. Each browser follows those
instructions differently, which drives web page creators crazy sometimes.
Word can deal with simple web pages pretty well. Just go to Word's menu and
choose File > Open Web Page. Type in the URL and Word will do what it can
with the web page. Then you can use File > Save As and change it into a Word
document if you want.
Word won't display most web pages the way a real web browser would. The
purpose of Word's open web page feature is to grab a web page created
originally by Microsoft Word and restore it "exactly" in Microsoft Word. But
if the web page was not made by Word in the first place, an "exact"
reproduction in Word is usually not possible. You'll find that most
commercially produced web pages won't display well in Word.
An alternative is to select things within the web browser then paste them
into Word.
-Jim Gordon
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