Hi everybody,
i'm developing a VBA program to automate data input in a asp application.
I'vd reach a dead end because after a "click" in a link, the web application
fire up a Web Page Dialog from wich i can read the document object.
I know the this windows class is Internet Explorer_TridentDlgFrame.
this window has a text box that i have to fill with some text and a button
that i (automate program) have to "click".
The HTML code of the link is something like this:
<a id="lblManualConfirmation" class="Teste_labellink" href="javascript:{if
(typeof(Page_ClientValidate) != 'function' || Page_ClientValidate())
__doPostBack('lblManualConfirmation','')} ">Confirmar Manual</a><span
id="Sep09" class="Teste_labellink"> |</span>
My VBA code is more or less like this
Set wIE = New InternetExplorer
wIE.navigate "xpto.pt"
Set hDocIE = wIE.document.all.TdIFrames.all.Item(6).contentWindow.document
after the "call" to the click method, the grr#$"69@º"#%/ window pop's up
and the VBA execute the next line.
In the past I'vd find similar situation's but the "asp" uses the
showModalDialog function, and i can manipulate the code that is expose in
document object.
In this case i'm....
i'vd try to search in google for Internet Explorer_TridentDlgFrame and only
gives 9 entries ....
Can anybody help... or give tip's...
i'm developing a VBA program to automate data input in a asp application.
I'vd reach a dead end because after a "click" in a link, the web application
fire up a Web Page Dialog from wich i can read the document object.
I know the this windows class is Internet Explorer_TridentDlgFrame.
this window has a text box that i have to fill with some text and a button
that i (automate program) have to "click".
The HTML code of the link is something like this:
<a id="lblManualConfirmation" class="Teste_labellink" href="javascript:{if
(typeof(Page_ClientValidate) != 'function' || Page_ClientValidate())
__doPostBack('lblManualConfirmation','')} ">Confirmar Manual</a><span
id="Sep09" class="Teste_labellink"> |</span>
My VBA code is more or less like this
Set wIE = New InternetExplorer
wIE.navigate "xpto.pt"
Set hDocIE = wIE.document.all.TdIFrames.all.Item(6).contentWindow.document
after the "call" to the click method, the grr#$"69@º"#%/ window pop's up
and the VBA execute the next line.
In the past I'vd find similar situation's but the "asp" uses the
showModalDialog function, and i can manipulate the code that is expose in
document object.
In this case i'm....
i'vd try to search in google for Internet Explorer_TridentDlgFrame and only
gives 9 entries ....
Can anybody help... or give tip's...