Web Page link to application



Is there a way to create a hyperlink on a Visio object to launch something
like "telnet.exe"?

Al Edlund

you can do it quite easily in code
I use something like this (which links to a custom property with the objects
IP address in it)

' first add a hyperlink section
If visShape.SectionExists(visSectionHyperlink, False) = False Then
visShape.AddSection visSectionHyperlink
End If
' now add the basic hyperlink row
blnPropAdded = funcAddHyperLinkToShape(visShape, "CallTelnet")
' normally we would just do this with the above call, but we want to
' the name of another cell with the formula so we'll do it here
If visShape.CellExists("hyperlink.calltelnet.address", False) Then
Set shpCell = visShape.Cells("hyperlink.calltelnet.address")
shpCell.FormulaU = """TELNET:""&Prop.Ipaddress"
Set shpCell = visShape.Cells("hyperlink.calltelnet.description")
shpCell.FormulaU = """TELNET:""&Prop.Ipaddress"
End If

Public Function funcAddHyperLinkToShape(visShape As Visio.Shape, _
strLocalRowName As String, _
Optional strRowNameU As String, _
Optional strDescription As String, _
Optional strAddress As String, _
Optional strSubAddress As String, _
Optional strFrame As String, _
Optional blnNewWin As Boolean, _
Optional blnDefault As Boolean) As Boolean

Dim vsoCell As Visio.Cell
Dim intRowIndex As Integer
Dim strCurrentTask As String

On Error GoTo AddHyperLink_Err

intRowIndex = visShape.AddNamedRow(visSectionHyperlink, _
strLocalRowName, VisRowIndices.visRow1stHyperlink)

Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkDescription)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strDescription

If (strLocalRowName <> strRowNameU And _
Len(strRowNameU) > 0) Then
vsoCell.RowNameU = strRowNameU
End If

' Column 2: Address
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkAddress)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strAddress

' Column 3: SubAddress
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkSubAddress)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strSubAddress

' Column 4: frame
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkExtraInfo)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, strFrame

' Column 5: new window
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkNewWin)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, CStr(blnNewWin)

' Column 6: default
Set vsoCell = visShape.CellsSRC(visSectionHyperlink, _
visRow1stHyperlink + intRowIndex, visHLinkDefault)
modMainRoutines.subSetCellValueToString vsoCell, CStr(blnDefault)

funcAddHyperLinkToShape = True

Exit Function


If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Err in func Add HyperLink To Shape " & Err & " " &
Err.Description & " " & strCurrentTask
funcAddHyperLinkToShape = False
End If

End Function


Where does this code go? Do you have a sample drawing I could look at with
the object all ready created?

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