Web page Login Process:


Vikram Dhemare

On regular basis, I have to download the data from Web Page. The table is
described in various columns & almost 600 rows & gets updated by adding new
rows in it. There is a button on the web "Export to Excel". This is working
fine. But I want to import the data in a spread sheet after every certain
time. I have gone through the various examples using import External data. To
certain extent its working fine. But if the system is idle for long time it
gets logout from the site. When I/user press the refresh button, I am not
getting the desired result, instead of that the results returns the web page
login page details & not the desired table. Actualy the web Page have Login
authentication. After authentication, it redirects to the desired web link.
Then I have to press two / three option buttons to get the desired table.
Upto Login process, I am succeeded by using IE object, but thenafter I am
stuck up.
Also, there is one more problem that if the system is idle for long time,
then again I have to go through the login process.
Is there any way as if the user is already logged in then the web site
directly redirects to the desired table & import the data & if the user is
not logged then then it should go through the login process.
Any assistance in this regard is very helpful to get the automated process.


The login form is an object which your code executes something lik

Set Form = IE.document.getElementsByTagname("Form")

If you are logged in Form will be set to nothing. So I usually d

Set Form = IE.document.getElementsByTagname("Form")

if not Form is nothing then

'add the login code here

end if

This way you skip the login process when you are logged in an don'
create an error. If I had your macro or URL I would modify as required

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