Web page Login Process:


Vikram Dhemare

On regular basis, I have to download the data from Web Page. The table is
described in various columns & almost 600 rows & gets updated by adding new
rows in it. There is a button on the web "Export to Excel". This is working
fine. But I want to import the data in spread sheet after every certain time.
I have gone through the various examples using Import External Data. To
certain extent its working fine. But the issue is: if the system is idle for
long time & then I refresh the data then not getting the desired results.
Instead of that, I am getting the login page data. Actaully, The web Page
have Login authentication. After authentication, it redirects to the desired
web link. Then I have to press two / three option buttons to get the desired
table. Upto Login process, I am succeeded by using OE object, but thenafter I
am stuck up.
Is there any way as if the user is already logged in then the web site
directly redirects to the desired table & import the data & if the user is
not logged then it should go through the login process.
Any assistance in this regard is very helpful to get the automated process.
Vikram P. Dhemare

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