Web page music download facility




[1] Presently have mp3s in Windows Media Player that play
tracks on the opening of a page.
[2] I visit websites where, with a mouse-click on the
appropriate button, I can download a music file - and
having clicked the OPEN button in the pop-up square box
at the beginning of the download it will automatically
begin playing when that download is complete.
[3] How do I arm my website so that visitors can do
this... do I need special software... or is it a simple
procedure within the bounds of my FP2002?

Thanks... hope you can help me with this little puzzler.


chris leeds

forcing a download box to open isn't always easy. it's not something that
fp can do for you.
I've seen tutorials but recently Jim Buyens posted this snippet of asp.net

The .NET version is actually a bit simpler. The following example
assumes that strURL contains the URL of the file to download.

Dim strFile As String
Dim fnfFile As FileInfo

strFile = Server.MapPath(strUrl)
fnfFile = New FileInfo(strFile)
If fnfFile.Exists Then
Response.ContentType = "application/x-data"
Response.AddHeader("Content-Length", fnfFile.Length
Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", _
"attachment; filename=" & fnfFile.Name)
End If

The thing that makes this simpler is the Response.WriteFile method,
which copies a file from the server directly into the output stream.
This avoids that messy ADODB.Stream business.

I'm not sure why I used a ContentType of application/x-data rather
application/octet-stream in this example. In fact, I think any MIME
type will do, as long as there's no association with the browser or
any other app.

Jim Buyens
Microsoft FrontPage MVP
Author of:
|| Microsoft Office FrontPage 2003 Inside Out
|| Web Database Development Step by Step .NET Edition
|| Microsoft FrontPage Version 2002 Inside Out
|| Faster Smarter Beginning Programming
|| (All from Microsoft Press)



Tom Pepper Willett

Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage

chris leeds

it's really not that bad.
Make a page with an aspx extension, if your host allows and follow the
instructions that jim put in his post.
either that or google for "force download" you'll see articles at asp101,
and the like.



Tom - hi!

Your message has come through with a whole load of
exclamation marks and question marks ... not sure what
happened but would you mind re-posting.




Thanks Chris - appreciate that.

-----Original Message-----
it's really not that bad.
Make a page with an aspx extension, if your host allows and follow the
instructions that jim put in his post.
either that or google for "force download" you'll see articles at asp101,
and the like.

????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? ???????????????????


Tom Pepper Willett

It was in response to *your* message which was the one that contained all
the ? marks. ;-)
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Tom - hi!
| Your message has come through with a whole load of
| exclamation marks and question marks ... not sure what
| happened but would you mind re-posting.
| Thanks
| VJ
| >-----Original Message-----
| >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| >--
| >-----
| >Tom Pepper Willett
| >Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >
| http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/default
| .mspx
| >
| http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/frontpage/
| >----
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| >.
| >


Sorry guys - something backfired in the
transmission/reception of my last main email message to
this site - which was simply a note including a URL for
you to look at - but obviously it has been filtered out
for fear of something...?!
I'll work with what you guys have posted here and see how
I go ... hope you don't mind if I come back to you.

Thanks & apo9logies because that message loaded
with "??????" must have sounded quite offensive from your


Steve Easton

whew, thought my 'puter was broken for a minute.

Steve Easton
Microsoft MVP FrontPage
This site is best viewed............
........................with a computer

Tom Pepper Willett

Not offensive at all. Just bewildering. Your finger was actually stuck on
the ?, no filtering would have removed a URL and added hundreds of ? ;-)
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| Sorry guys - something backfired in the
| transmission/reception of my last main email message to
| this site - which was simply a note including a URL for
| you to look at - but obviously it has been filtered out
| for fear of something...?!
| I'll work with what you guys have posted here and see how
| I go ... hope you don't mind if I come back to you.
| Thanks & apo9logies because that message loaded
| with "??????" must have sounded quite offensive from your
| end.
| VJ
| >-----Original Message-----
| >It was in response to *your* message which was the one
| that contained all
| >the ? marks. ;-)
| >--
| >-----
| >Tom Pepper Willett
| >Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >
| http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/default
| .mspx
| >
| http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/frontpage/
| >----
| >| >| Tom - hi!
| >|
| >| Your message has come through with a whole load of
| >| exclamation marks and question marks ... not sure what
| >| happened but would you mind re-posting.
| >|
| >| Thanks
| >|
| >| VJ
| >| >-----Original Message-----
| >|
| >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| >| !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| >| >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| >| >--
| >| >-----
| >| >Tom Pepper Willett
| >| >Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| >| >
| >|
| http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/default
| >| .mspx
| >| >
| >|
| http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/frontpage/
| >| >----
| message
| >| >| >|
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| >| ???????????????????
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| >| ???????
| >| >
| >| >
| >| >.
| >| >
| >
| >
| >.
| >

Tom Pepper Willett

Nah, your 'puter wasn't broken, Steve. It was a finger or a keyboard key
Tom Pepper Willett
Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| whew, thought my 'puter was broken for a minute.
| --
| Steve Easton
| Microsoft MVP FrontPage
| 95isalive
| This site is best viewed............
| .......................with a computer
| | > It was in response to *your* message which was the one that contained
| > the ? marks. ;-)
| > --
| > -----
| > Tom Pepper Willett
| > Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/default.mspx
| > http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/frontpage/
| > ----
| > | > | Tom - hi!
| > |
| > | Your message has come through with a whole load of
| > | exclamation marks and question marks ... not sure what
| > | happened but would you mind re-posting.
| > |
| > | Thanks
| > |
| > | VJ
| > | >-----Original Message-----
| > | >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| > | !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| > | >!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
| > | >--
| > | >-----
| > | >Tom Pepper Willett
| > | >Microsoft MVP - FrontPage
| > | >
| > | http://www.microsoft.com/office/frontpage/prodinfo/default
| > | .mspx
| > | >
| > | http://msdn.microsoft.com/office/understanding/frontpage/
| > | >----
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| > | ???????????????????
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| > | ???????
| > | >
| > | >
| > | >.
| > | >
| >
| >


Tom... I wish it were that simple but I had typed in 1
full paragrah plus the URL again enclosed below:


On this (URL) page - if you click on one of the song
titles it activates a Download box ... and it is this
that I am trying to accomplish on our own website.



chris leeds

one of the mvp's on this newsgroup actually had an example worked out in
classic asp. there are a number of scripts and examples. doesn't seem like
any of them are totally perfect what with "mime types" and other things i
don't really get but what you want can definitely be done for most visitors/


Tom - I posted another response but it has ended up in
the wrong spot ... above your "4:38PM" message instead of
below it. It's the one listed as "5:39PM" (well, maybe
that's just on my computer an different to yours). Would
you mind locating it and taking a look - thanks, mate!


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