Web Page Not Found



I know this has been beaten to death, but I have uploaded files (disabled
subfolders, etc), and still I receive the first page and everything else is
"Page not found". I am at the wits end. HELP, PLEASE! Can I just send an MVP
the file?


Post the URL of your website and the version of Publisher you are using.

Generally the reason the other pages are not found is that you didn't upload
them. Publisher 2003 and 2007 produces an index.htm file (your home page)
and an "index_files" folder that contains your other pages and all the
supporting graphics and images. Upload the index_files folder intact to the
same level in the directory on your host as the index.htm file, and you
should be good to go.



Thanks, David. I am using pub2003, and the url is www.studio-371.com. As I
look at the dns folder after uploading, all of the files; index.htm and
index_image, etc. are all there. I am dumbfounded...or maybe just dumb.
Thanks for the continued help. You are worth more, I'm sure, than you get for

Mike Koewler


Your link it to /index_Page346.htm I don't think that is correct.



OK...I made an incorrect assumption. Pub 2003 by default uses a subfolder to
organize all the other pages and graphics. You unchecked that option which
means that all your files, index.htm, graphics, images etc are produced in
one group of files. It also means that the other pages and the graphics are
named in a different way. Mike was correct that /index_Page346.htm looked
incorrect, but that is the way Publisher names the pages when you don't use
the index_files support folder. At this point it looks like you didn't
upload that page.

What I would do if you want to leave the subfolder option off, is to remove
the link from your "hotspot" to /index_Page346.htm. Select it, and choose
remove. Then redo the link. It may be that in changing things around you
ended up with that page named something else. Then, log on to your host
either by FTP if that is the way you are uploading, or via the control panel
on the host. You need to delete all the old Publisher html files on your
host. Be careful to not delete any host files or folders...just the Pub html
files. Then once again, depending on how you are uploading, Publish to the
Web and upload all new files. Try that and let us know...

I am just a volunteer...I don't get paid, so yes, I imagine I am worth a bit
more than I get, but thanks for saying so.



This is awful!!
My other 2 sites look the same when I open the files on my computer. The
other 2 sites are up and work fine on the web. I removed the hotspot; put on
a new one; deleted all of the files from the web; and, uploaded it again. I
still get "Page not found".

One time on another site, I seem to remember something about havign to
rename files...does this mean something to you? I really don't know what in
the world to do.


I don't know what you are doing wrong, but apparently you are either not
uploading all the html files, or you are writing the link incorrectly. I
don't know why you aren't using the supporting folder, as that makes it much
easier to upload with just an index.htm file and an index_files folder. I
also don't know how you are writing or inserting the hyperlink from the home
page to the other page in your document. But your problem lies with not
uploading all the pages or not writing the link correctly, so I would focus
your troubleshooting there.

You might post the links to your other two sites that are working, and
perhaps we can then see what you are doing wrong with this third site.



Some time ago, I believe it was Baristolk (or some name like that) who
advised to turn "off" the subfolders. I did on my other sites. I will replace
it if you think it will help, here. Then, will index and index_ files in the
subfolder be found automatically?

How we insert the links is just with the hyperlink feature in the program.
The other sites are dancealaska.com and tangoapasionado.com. They both work
fine. We need this site up URGENTLY. Thanks for the continued help.


That was David Bartosik, and I think I do remember him suggesting that
somewhere. As you are already used to not using the subfolder, then don't
worry about it. I just think that sometimes it might be easier for people to
remember to upload all the supporting files...and extra pages when they are
all contained in one folder. I use Pub 2000 primarily for web work, and it
doesn't even give you the option of a subfolder.

http://www.studio-371.com/index_Page346.htm simply is not there, but try:

Publisher automatically names the page with an upper case "P", and for some
reason the file on your site is lower case...hummm...wonder who changed
that? ;-)

This is a great example of how when you are using a UNIX based server to
host your site then upper and lower case must match exactly, or the links
won't work. Windows based servers aren't so picky.



I am not quite sure that I understand all of this. The other sites are with
upper case Page. The lower case page in your last post worked, and of course
nothing could be found from there. I changed all of teh filess in the
computer to lower case and uploaded them again. It still does not work.

Is it possible that teh dns server changed somehow? I was using WS-FTP, and
am now using Classic FTP. Could this be a problem? I don't know what else to
do. I just don't know what else to do. Thanks for continuing to try to help
me. This is VERY important, and I am failing.


By default Publisher uses the upper case in the file name when it produces
the pages. The links are automatically written that way too. If you direct
your output to your computer and looked at the files, the should be
"index_Page346.htm", not index_page346.htm". If you didn't purposely change
this, then it is being done by your FTP client. I don't use Classic FTP or
WS-FTP but I seem to remember reading somewhere that you can set options in
the FTP client to automatically change everything to lower case. If you use
WS-FTP to upload the other sites, and Classic FTP to upload this site, then
either look for a setting in Classic that would convert from upper to lower
case...or go back to WS-FTP.



Problem solved. Thanks very much for your help.

DavidF said:
By default Publisher uses the upper case in the file name when it produces
the pages. The links are automatically written that way too. If you direct
your output to your computer and looked at the files, the should be
"index_Page346.htm", not index_page346.htm". If you didn't purposely change
this, then it is being done by your FTP client. I don't use Classic FTP or
WS-FTP but I seem to remember reading somewhere that you can set options in
the FTP client to automatically change everything to lower case. If you use
WS-FTP to upload the other sites, and Classic FTP to upload this site, then
either look for a setting in Classic that would convert from upper to lower
case...or go back to WS-FTP.


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