OK...I made an incorrect assumption. Pub 2003 by default uses a subfolder to
organize all the other pages and graphics. You unchecked that option which
means that all your files, index.htm, graphics, images etc are produced in
one group of files. It also means that the other pages and the graphics are
named in a different way. Mike was correct that /index_Page346.htm looked
incorrect, but that is the way Publisher names the pages when you don't use
the index_files support folder. At this point it looks like you didn't
upload that page.
What I would do if you want to leave the subfolder option off, is to remove
the link from your "hotspot" to /index_Page346.htm. Select it, and choose
remove. Then redo the link. It may be that in changing things around you
ended up with that page named something else. Then, log on to your host
either by FTP if that is the way you are uploading, or via the control panel
on the host. You need to delete all the old Publisher html files on your
host. Be careful to not delete any host files or folders...just the Pub html
files. Then once again, depending on how you are uploading, Publish to the
Web and upload all new files. Try that and let us know...
I am just a volunteer...I don't get paid, so yes, I imagine I am worth a bit
more than I get, but thanks for saying so.