I'm really new to this, and was trying to put together a website today. I
was using a wizard and everything was going great. I was cutting and pasting
some FAQs I had typed up in Word. They were quite long (about 7 pages). In
publisher I got to a point where the "white page" ended, and anything else I
put underneath on the grey area would not show up on the website preview. I
went to Page Setup in the File menu and did a Custom page size, but this then
meant that the wizard info. (navigation menu, title etc.) were changed to mid
way down the page and not at the top anymore. Obviously this is a pain to
change all the "bits and pieces" on every page again.
So, is there a way to change the page size to a custom size, but still keep
the wizard headers at the top? Also, is there a way to just leave the webpage
sizes (lengths) open when I am creating a page.....meaning that I can just
keep typing downwards like in MS Word.
Also, is there a maximum length that a webpage can be? It looked like I
could only put in 24000 pixels as the maximum length (is this correct, and
approx. how many printed pages does this equate to?)
I'm really new to this, and was trying to put together a website today. I
was using a wizard and everything was going great. I was cutting and pasting
some FAQs I had typed up in Word. They were quite long (about 7 pages). In
publisher I got to a point where the "white page" ended, and anything else I
put underneath on the grey area would not show up on the website preview. I
went to Page Setup in the File menu and did a Custom page size, but this then
meant that the wizard info. (navigation menu, title etc.) were changed to mid
way down the page and not at the top anymore. Obviously this is a pain to
change all the "bits and pieces" on every page again.
So, is there a way to change the page size to a custom size, but still keep
the wizard headers at the top? Also, is there a way to just leave the webpage
sizes (lengths) open when I am creating a page.....meaning that I can just
keep typing downwards like in MS Word.
Also, is there a maximum length that a webpage can be? It looked like I
could only put in 24000 pixels as the maximum length (is this correct, and
approx. how many printed pages does this equate to?)