Web Part Time Entry Grid for My Tasks-Problem with how dates aredisplayed



An issue as popped up with regards to the grid time entry grid web
part that can be added to My Tasks.

This grid does not display the dates in the right order. Its going
from Friday through Thursday. It should run Sunday through Saturday
per the configuration. If they click on a task and go into the
details screen, they will see a Sun - Sat mini-grid.

Is there a way to control this? A colleague of mine attended an
Administration class recently (Gary/Dale I believe it was through you
folks) and they discussed this. Apparently it was stated that this
was a "feature" (aka, bug) and could not be changed. Also, it
doesn't show the day of the week and the header disappears once you
scroll down.

Any tips on how to fix this? Hotfix on the way?

Andy Novak

Mark Everett | PMP

An issue as popped up with regards to the grid time entry grid web
part that can be added to My Tasks.

This grid does not display the dates in the right order.  Its going
from Friday through Thursday.  It should run Sunday through Saturday
per the configuration.  If they click on a task and go into the
details screen, they will see a Sun - Sat mini-grid.

Is there a way to control this?  A colleague of mine attended an
Administration class recently (Gary/Dale I believe it was through you
folks) and they discussed this.  Apparently it was stated that this
was a "feature" (aka, bug) and could not be changed.   Also, it
doesn't show the day of the week and the header disappears once you
scroll down.

Any tips on how to fix this?   Hotfix on the way?

Andy Novak

Yes, this is an issue. When you put the grid in the My Tasks Webpart,
it ignores the "Week starts on setting" from the configuration and
puts the current date in the center of the grid.

Handy, eh? Several clients decided that right clicking on the
Progress field wasn't so bad after all.

I know it's being worked on but I don't know when (or if) it will be

Have you tried the Tied Mode Timesheet Modification in Codeplex yet?
I downloaded and installed it in my (now expired) VPC image and it
worked as advertised. You can find it here: http://www.codeplex.com/AutoStatusService
along with discussion about it's functionality.

Hope this helps,
Mark Everett, MCIPT, PMP



Is this grid time entry web part a new element?

I am asking you this question because it is now displayed in the new VPC
demo2007 released last week.

I was not aware of this grid and got puzzle when seeing it ...Some said to
me it was the Codeplex time-tied view ...but I closely read the Time-tied
description document
and saw that it is absolutely not related.

Do you have some user feedback in the use of this grid (beside the bug you
Is this a recommend view to use or not?


Dale Howard [MVP]

Alfatcop --

The timesheet grid display in the My Tasks page is a new feature in SP1.
The main issue with it is that the grid keeps the current date centered in
the middle of the grid, causing the days to "drift" to the left throughout
the week. If your team members enter their actuals on a daily basis, this
will not be much of an issue. If they wait until Friday to enter all of
their actuals for the week, this can be a problem. I believe Microsoft is
working on a fix for this issue. Hope this helps.

Mark Everett | PMP


Is this grid time entry web part a new element?

I am asking you this question because it is now displayed in the new VPC
demo2007 released last week.

I was not aware of this grid and got puzzle when seeing it ...Some said to
me it was the Codeplex time-tied view ...but I closely read the Time-tied
description document
 and saw that it is absolutely not related.

Do you have some user feedback in the use of this grid (beside the bug you
Is this a recommend view to use or not?



- Show quoted text -

I don't really recommend it unless your users have a good deal of
discipline in checking the dates in the grid and not just relying on
the placement in the grid. If you want to try it yourself and don't
know how to do it, email me and I will send you a screen shot.

I hope to have a "fixed" version in a few weeks.


Mike Christensen

I don't really recommend it unless your users have a good deal of
discipline in checking the dates in the grid and not just relying on
the placement in the grid.  If you want to try it yourself and don't
know how to do it, email me and I will send you a screen shot.

I hope to have a "fixed" version in a few weeks.

Mark- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

This will be fixed in a patch coming out in June. The inline time
phased grid will honor your "start day" in server settings, rather
than "centering" the current day and showing the previous 3 days and
next 3 days.

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