web research




I'm a new user - still playing with the trial version of one note. It is my
understanding from the reading and watching the videos that I should be able
to copy/paste or drag/drop information from a website AND have it
automatically give me the link of where the information came from.

The link is not showing up. What do I need to do to correct this.

If it matters, I'm using XP, my firewall is norton and the permissions allow
for one note to do what it needs.



Kathy Jacobs

Another thing to check: Go to Tools--> Options, Editing Category and see if
there is a check in the box for "Include link to source when pasting from
the Internet". If not, check it and that should fix the problem (if you are
using IE).

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-author of Unleash the Power of OneNote- Available now from Holy Macro!
Get OneNote answers at http://www.onenoteanswers.com

I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived


I have both IE and firebox, and generally use firefox.

I did go back and try it with IE, and the links do show up there. So am I
to assume this feature is not available when using firefox?



This was already in place.

I appreciate everyones suggestions...thank you!


Ben M. Schorr - MVP

Yup. Firefox doesn't place the link information in the clipboard properly,
the way IE does, which is why it doesn't work.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Michael D. Adams

Barbara said:
I did go back and try it with IE, and the links do show up there. So am I
to assume this feature is not available when using firefox?

I could've sworn that this functionality exists in the recent Firefox
1.5 betas.

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

I do seem to recall hearing something about Firefox fixing that problem in a
more recent build, but I can't confirm it.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!

Kathy Jacobs

It may work in the betas, but I just tried it in FireFox 1.0.7 and it isn't
working there. :(

Kathryn Jacobs, Microsoft MVP PowerPoint and OneNote
Co-author of Unleash the Power of OneNote- Available now from Holy Macro!
Get OneNote answers at http://www.onenoteanswers.com
I believe life is meant to be lived. But:
if we live without making a difference, it makes no difference that we lived

Ben M. Schorr - MVP said:
I do seem to recall hearing something about Firefox fixing that problem in
a more recent build, but I can't confirm it.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for
assistance. Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup.


Barbara said:
I have both IE and firebox, and generally use firefox.

Evernote works better with Firefox.

As well, Evernote functions much better that OneNote for "web
collection" of data.
The categorization and autocategorization in EverNote would yield
benefits for you.


If you often use Text and INK in the same notes, EverNote cannot do

Evernote information is also entirely exportable to .mht files which
give you a great way of getting your information out, if you migrate to
another product.

Good luck.

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