Web Search 2



Hi there
I give up.
I am trying to or looking for a way to implement a search function in my
FP2003 created web site.
My website is hosted on a UNIX server with the FP Ext.
My website consist of a main website containing five(5) subwebs.
The web search component in FP2003 only returns search results for the
individual subweb - not from the entire site, which is what needed to search
an entire website.
I will even consider a 3rd party tool.
Any ideas?

Stefan B Rusynko

On a Unix server you are limited to FP WAIS search which will only search the current web/subweb
- so you will need a 3rd party server side tool


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| Hi there
| I give up.
| I am trying to or looking for a way to implement a search function in my
| FP2003 created web site.
| My website is hosted on a UNIX server with the FP Ext.
| My website consist of a main website containing five(5) subwebs.
| The web search component in FP2003 only returns search results for the
| individual subweb - not from the entire site, which is what needed to search
| an entire website.
| I will even consider a 3rd party tool.
| Any ideas?
| Ben

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