Web Server 2003/IIS 6




Please excuse this note if there has already been an
article or feature on this suggestion. If it has be
written about, please forward the information as to where
I can find that information.

Thank you...

I purchased Web Server 2003 to run on my co-lo box to
host web sites for myself and rent to others. I have
used FrontPage and IIS since 1995/6 and love the

The recent addition of reports and usage summaries in FP
02 and now 03 is great.

However, there seems to be a hitch in using FP 03 and Web
Server 03/IIS6.

It seems you must run SharePoint Services in order to run

Reports will not work on IIS 6 in Web server edition
without installing SQL. You have to be running Standard
Server 03 or greater.

This is not explained very well, that I can find, on the
MS site.

Suggestion for additional information or someone that is
using the Server 03/FP 03 combination.

Ed Zirkle
(e-mail address removed)

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