Warrick FitzGerald
Hi All,
Our web server generates a log file wich I open in excel almost every day.
The log file is space seperated and has an extension of .log
Every time I open the file I run through the procedure of telling excel ..
yes this is a space spepated file and no don't treat consecutive spaces as
one ... bla bla bla.
Is there no way to tell excel that these are the default setting for a
..log file or some other faster way that would not force me to go throuhg
this process every time I open one of these files?
Our web server generates a log file wich I open in excel almost every day.
The log file is space seperated and has an extension of .log
Every time I open the file I run through the procedure of telling excel ..
yes this is a space spepated file and no don't treat consecutive spaces as
one ... bla bla bla.
Is there no way to tell excel that these are the default setting for a
..log file or some other faster way that would not force me to go throuhg
this process every time I open one of these files?