web site from pub 2007



I am having problems when publishing a website created with 2007, I can
load it and all the pages are visible but there are many over-laping areas of
text. I use links to another site and some that go to another page in my
I had no problems with my 2000 version and it will still work if loaded
from an old computer, but my graphics are now on the new program.
How can I arrange or set up the pictures, text and links on 2007 so it
will work properly. Thanks,


Lots of changes between Pub 2007 and 2000, and not all to the good...I still
prefer 2000 in many ways.

Over-lapping areas? I would guess that you are trying to wrap text around an
image. In Pub 2000, when you converted to html, that text and the image were
combined into on .gif image, but at least the text stayed wrapped. Word wrap
doesn't work in Pub 2007. You will have to design around that limitation.
The good news is that you can layer design elements in Pub 2007 with text,
and it now is not converted to an image.

I am not sure what you are asking about the links, but one big difference in
Pub 2007 is that by default when you "Publish to the Web" and produce your
web pages, you will get an index.htm file (your home page) and an
"index_files" folder that contain all your other pages and all the
supporting graphics and images. Publisher 2000 didn't use a supporting
folder. You need to include the index_files folder in your links. Example:



I will have to check on the text wrap. The links I am talking about are
the links to another site. They are "http" codes from the other site.
Is there a reason why I can't use these links in 2007 or do they need to
be placed differently on the page? Thanks


Select text or object on your Publisher page > Insert > Hyperlink > Existing
File or Web page and write, paste or browse to the web page you want to link
to, and http://www.google.com/ in the address field. This is pretty straight
forward way of inserting a hyperlink to another site. Are you trying to do
it in a different way?



THANKS. It seems to be the one that I need to insert an outsite code.
Example. a link to a third party credit card processor. There appear all
over the page -except where they are susposed to be.
The straight links on a graphic to go to another seem to be ok.


It still isn't clear to me what type of links you are talking about, and how
the process of inserting the link is different than what I proposed. If
however the credit card processor gave you a code snippet that you need to
insert into your page, its possible that you will need to do that with the
"insert html code fragment" tool. Try that, and if it doesn't work, then
please explain your problem with writing links to another website
again...more specifically, and maybe it will make sense to me this time.



HREF="http://www.ccnow.com/cgi-local/cart.cgi?Scoutique_pla4934_www.MYDOMAIN.com/EagleAssortment.html">pla4934</a> Click here to order by credit card

This is a sample of the code. It is in the html boxes. I just redid one
page recreating them again using the html fragment. When I publish the site,
the boxes with the code are not where I put them. They appear randomly on the
I have saved the file as index.html and have uploaded it using dreamweaver,
trying the publisher direct way and uploading it file by file directly to the
site. The boxes with the links still are random.

I have reduced the number of pages I'm working with to make it faster to up
load. I deleted all files on the site before reloading.


Generally you will treat a code fragment box just like a text box or other
design element. You do not insert this type of code fragment into a text box
or as you would a normal hyperlink. Once you copy and paste the code snippet
into the code fragment box, you can move the box around on the page to where
you want it, resize it, etc. Are you doing something different than that?
Then you should be able to do a web page preview to see if the placement,
size etc. needs to me adjusted...you should not need to upload the page
before testing this type of link. If you want to post a link to the page
where you inserted the code fragment, and describe where it was on the
Publisher page, and where it shifted to, then perhaps we can help further.
As to getting the shopping cart code written correctly, you would need to
look to the instructions from where you got the code.

I have no idea why or how you are uploading using Dreamweaver, but it sure
sounds convoluted. If you have Dreamweaver and understand how to use it, why
aren't you using that instead of Publisher to produce your site? If you
don't have any Publisher built forms on your site, then I would suggest that
you start using FTP uploading protocol and consider downloading and
installing FileZilla. It is a freebie, and would make your life easier. But
uploading doesn't seem to be your question here...



Thanks for your patience. I am ready to give up.
Last night I downloaded filezila and uploaded the files from there. First I
deleted the files on the site so I would know the new ones went up. I went
back in on one page and redid all the coded links. Copy and paste into a http
fragment box.
When I use preview or go to the website/page on this computer it looks fine
but when I try it on another computer it is scrambled.
the page is scoutique.com/EagleAssortment .html (no empty spaces)
the ordering code box should be directly under the description text. None of
the other pages work correctly either. I deleted most of the so i would have
less to upload.


Yeah, it is scrambled for me too.

Sometimes a page layout can be shifted around in unpredictable ways if the
DPI setting for the display is set "incorrectly". On the machine you use to
edit and produce the Publisher html files, right click the desktop >
Properties to get the Display Properties dialog. Under Settings go to
Advanced and the DPI setting should be 96, but might be 120. Change that to
96 and OK your way out of that dialog, and try producing your html again.
Does that help with the spacing?



OK I just reset it and that may be the answer.
I have to reload the files and check on it but from a quick look -- that
may have been the problem.

Mike Koewler


FWIW, some of the text on a page or two is being converted to an image
while other text isn't.




I didn't view or study but a few pages. I think sometimes I get carried away
with offering too much advice and overload people, so I am trying to change
my ways and be a bit more concise...a challenge I know. Thanks for the
observation though.


Mike Koewler


FWIW, I think you get overloaded trying to help so many people and with
the exception of a couple other Pub users, you don't get any help. It's
too bad MS doesn't have a programmer drop in here once a week or so, but
that's MS's way of doing things. I read an article today about how an
automatic update of Office '03 might mean older docs cannot be read. MS
issued a patch that works to an extent, but not very well. They aren't
planning on fixing it better in the near future.

Fighting Poltergeists and trying to grow potatoes in winter



The new Office SP3 does make some "security" changes.

Reference: Information about certain file types that are blocked after you
install Office 2003 Service Pack 3:

Decide for yourself if you want to install it. It will certainly fix some
things...and break others. I don't plan on installing it, but that is just
me. I do recommend that you read about it before you install it. It is going
to have no direct impact on Publisher 2003...it doesn't fix any of the bugs
we have been trying to get fixed. But SP3 could and probably will impact
Publisher indirectly through the other programs in Office. I suspect it will
complicate uploading Publisher html files. I don't know if it will prevent
you from opening Pub files back to Pub 98. We will see...

Office 2003 Service Pack 3 (SP3):


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