Liz Stefany
2003: I recently went to web page options for every page and entered
example.htm as the page name. I have now uploaded my index_files and
index.htm to the server via FTP. Now when I go to my website online all I
see is the home page, minus a visual navigation bar, and my logo. Also, my
mouse changes to a hand over where the navigation bar should be, and allows
me to try to reach other pages, but all I get is a 404 Not Found page in its
example.htm as the page name. I have now uploaded my index_files and
index.htm to the server via FTP. Now when I go to my website online all I
see is the home page, minus a visual navigation bar, and my logo. Also, my
mouse changes to a hand over where the navigation bar should be, and allows
me to try to reach other pages, but all I get is a 404 Not Found page in its