Web Site Problems?


Shane Devenshire


I have been experiencing very bad web site preformance here at the
Newsgroups for the last few days, am I the only one or is this happening all
around? (Web interface).

Shane Devenshire

Bernard Liengme

Hi Shane,
I normally visit the newsgroups via Outlook Express (or Windows Mail) but
today I tried the website method. Got a message 'temporarily unavailable'.
I find it easier to navigate with a newsreader.
best wishes

Mike H


Most people I suspect have given up in despair at the ongoing inability of
Microsoft to run a web based newsreader. I have used the web interfacr for
many years but have changed to Outlook Express. I have no idea if you will
see this if your still using the web interface



I use the web interface, and yes, it has definately been buggy the last
couple weeks. It started primarily with searches failing, but now its just
becoming unresponsive half the time.


I normally use Google Groups, and this has been acting up since the
end of February. Many posts are shown with only the replies, not the
original post. With some posts not all the replies are shown. Very
few, presumably only those made with Google Groups, show the OP's
question to start the thread. Consequently, most of the posts have
already been answered by the time I see them - one reason why my
posting frequency has reduced drastically this month !!



Same here, its shows "Communities messages temporarily unavailable" or it
just not responsive. Its started this past one week.

Hope this help

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cheers, francis

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