web site reconstruction



I am using Namo Software to build and maintain my web site. At the moment I
am also downloading Publish 2007. I have issues with my present software,
such as non-password protection, and FireFox is not seeing the same thing
IExplorer is. The reason for checking out Publish 2007 is for building an
password protected ebook/ebooks, plus for making my site prettier.
I am already getting that the password business might be outside the realm
of Publish, but what about fixing my website so FireFox, etc. can see it?


You will probably not accomplish your goals by switching to Publisher.
Publisher is a DTP with limited web building capability. It does not have
the functionality of Namo, from what I read about Namo.

Password protection is a server side function. There is even a FAQ on the
Namo site that addresses this:
Switching to any other program does not change that fact. Look to your web
host for other ways of password protecting folders and files.

Cross browser support is always challenging, and switching to Publisher will
not solve your problem. Change your design until it looks ok in FF. I
suggest to Publisher users to download and install FF, and test the html
output before publishing on the web. You should do the same with Namo.

Publisher provides a number of templates that may or may not be "prettier"
in your eyes. You can also build a custom page, but "making your site
prettier" has more to do with the designer skills, than the program used.
"Pretty" at the expense of "functionality" is not a good trade off in my

Namo provides more web building functionality than Publisher. Switching to
Publisher would be a step back. If you want more functionality than Namo,
then consider MSFT web expression.


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