web site



Hi - I am currently trying to build a website with Dreamweaver and I have to say that I am BEYOND frustrated with this program. I also participate in the forum for DW and the more I read the more I wish I would have used Frontpage. Can anyone tell me if this (Frontpage) is REALLy designed for people who have no knowledge of html coding? Is it as simple as I am hearing? Can I put up a 30 page website in a week? How easy are templates to use and to spawn child pages? I am seriously thinking about switching to Frontpage. Any and all opinions and perspectives would be appreciated. Thanks, Kathy

Kevin Spencer

There is really no such thing any more as a web development toolkit that
requires no knowledge of HTML. The WWW is a lot more complex and
sophisticated than it was back when FrontPage was first released to the
public, some 10 or so years ago. FrontPage is arguably more user-friendly
than DW, and you will probably find it so. That said, however, you will find
yourself BEYOND frustrated if you elect to continue wihtout learning
anything about HTML and the WWW, regardless of what tools you use to work
with it. Web sites are not desktop applications. Web pages are viewed in
dozens of different browsers, on many different operating systems, with many
different screen resolutions, and the biggest problem you're likely to
encounter is how to make your web pages look more or less the same in all
browsers at all resolutions and all hardware/software configurations. It's
just the nature of the beast.

On the other hand, FrontPage can do some basic cookie-cutter web sites with
almost no knowledge of HTML. The problem is, most people don't want a
cookie-cutter web site. However, you can start with a cookie-cutter, and
then customize it to your heart's content, with a little knowledge of HTML.

Bottom-line: FrontPage is more user-friendly than DW.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
Big things are made up
of lots of little things.

Kathy said:
Hi - I am currently trying to build a website with Dreamweaver and I have
to say that I am BEYOND frustrated with this program. I also participate in
the forum for DW and the more I read the more I wish I would have used
Frontpage. Can anyone tell me if this (Frontpage) is REALLy designed for
people who have no knowledge of html coding? Is it as simple as I am
hearing? Can I put up a 30 page website in a week? How easy are templates
to use and to spawn child pages? I am seriously thinking about switching to
Frontpage. Any and all opinions and perspectives would be appreciated.
Thanks, Kathy

chris leeds

in my opinion it's much easier.
don't let people tell you you can't do professional work with FrontPage. it
just means THEY don't know HOW to do professional work.
let me ask this as a devil's advocate;
you've bought dreamweaver, you're thinking about buying FrontPage. why not
just hire someone to make the site for you then you can take it from there.
it's much easier.
as for a 30 page site in a week. it's no problem. you just have to work
smart. If the client gave me all the content so I could copy and paste it
after I design the initial template for them I could do the 30 pages in an
Kathy said:
Hi - I am currently trying to build a website with Dreamweaver and I have
to say that I am BEYOND frustrated with this program. I also participate in
the forum for DW and the more I read the more I wish I would have used
Frontpage. Can anyone tell me if this (Frontpage) is REALLy designed for
people who have no knowledge of html coding? Is it as simple as I am
hearing? Can I put up a 30 page website in a week? How easy are templates
to use and to spawn child pages? I am seriously thinking about switching to
Frontpage. Any and all opinions and perspectives would be appreciated.
Thanks, Kathy

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