web site



Where are my web pages that I sent to my OneNote settings? I choose the
folder to send it to, yet when I open it up, there is nothing there.

What am I doing wrong?


Yes, I searched for them in the folder I chose to put them in, and nothing

Ben M. Schorr - MVP

O.K., so back to my first question....how did you "send" them to OneNote.

Also did you try searching across your entire notebook instead of just
within a particular folder? Just in case they got misplaced.


Ben M. Schorr, OneNote-MVP
Roland Schorr & Tower
Microsoft OneNote FAQ: http://www.factplace.com/onenotefaq.htm

**I apologize but I am unable to respond to direct requests for assistance.
Please post questions and replies here in the newsgroup. Mahalo!


First, I downloaded/installed Power Toys (IE to OneNote web page) then,
re-opend IE, went to my page I wanted to send, copyied, then clicked on the
One Note icon on the toolbar, and chose to send to a specfic folder in
OneNote. When I went to check OneNote folder, there was nothing there and
nothing anywhere to be found.
So, I resorted to the old cut and copy and paste method, which is laborious.

Any other ideas that might help me solve my problem. Perhaps I have a
corrupted version (purchased from MS on CD)?

Steve Silverwood

First, I downloaded/installed Power Toys (IE to OneNote web page) then,
re-opend IE, went to my page I wanted to send, copyied, then clicked on the
One Note icon on the toolbar, and chose to send to a specfic folder in
OneNote. When I went to check OneNote folder, there was nothing there and
nothing anywhere to be found.
So, I resorted to the old cut and copy and paste method, which is laborious.

Any other ideas that might help me solve my problem. Perhaps I have a
corrupted version (purchased from MS on CD)?

There are actually =two= Web-to-OneNote tools. One sends the contents
of the page, converting the HTML to actual text and including the
images, but it loses some of the formatting. The other takes snapshots
of the web page, preserving the formatting so that the OneNote page
looks just like the web page, but I don't know how searchable that is.
Each puts data into a specific folder, something like WebClippings, at
the top level of the folder/page structure of your OneNote notebook
(same level as where your Side Notes tab is located).


-- //Steve//

Steve Silverwood, KB6OJS
Fountain Valley, CA
Email: (e-mail address removed)

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