One more thing. I have been assuming that you built your menu by creating a
text box, and inserting the absolute links to the other pages manually. If
you are using the navbar wizard, that changes things. If after going through
all the troubleshooting advice I have given you, and you still find no joy,
then post back with specifics of how you are building your menu.
Secondly, if you manage to open the blank page with just the menu
successfully in IE7, then mouseover the links, and look to the status bar to
see if they are functional. You need not click on them, as that will just
take you to your site on the web. The same is true for FF.
Thirdly, one more thing you can try is Tools > Options > Web tab and change
the Encoding from Western European (windows) to Unicode (UTF8)...or the
other way around and see if that makes any difference.
And lastly, once you figure out what is causing the problem, if you really
want to have a wider page, then go for it. It is bad design in my opinion,
but I doubt that the width of your page is causing the problem. I suspect it
has to do with your background, your borders, your fill in text boxes,
possibly with the way you are layering your objects, or the settings in IE7,
but from here it is impossible to know. That's why rebuilding your page one
element at a time, and testing at each step is the best way to discover the
problem. Your pages load in IE6 and FF2.0 for me. They load in a weird way,
and the menu is converted to an image in FF...and that is the main issue as
far as others viewing your site. You can test for text being converted to an
image by trying to select it...left click and drag across the text, while
you are looking at your page from the browser. If you can't select it, it
has been converted to an image. Sometimes by filling a text box with a
color, that alone will convert everything to an image, so when you test your
blank page with just the text box menu, make sure it doesn't have any fill
or a border.
I realize that my advice has been a bit unorganized, and that is probably
very frustrating for you, but if you plug and chug one step at a time, you
will find your problem, and then hopefully a solution. I won't be able to
respond anymore until tonight...good luck.