Web Storage Equivalent to Sharepoint for OneNote



I would like to store personal notebooks online so that I can automatically
backup and also synchronise across different computers. I currently use
SharePoint to do this for work related notebooks and it works great, but I
don't want to store personal notebooks on a work server. Is there an online
free equivalent where I can save a notebook do, then work offline, then
automatically synchronise next time I am online?

I have searched this forum and realise that many variations on this question
have been posted before. However, none seem to provide the ideal solution
for me:
* LiveMesh doesn't handle conflicts automatically.
* "Sharing" to another computer doesn't provide an automatic online backup.


Hello Cam,

check David's Blog for a USB solution.

Otherwise you could try Windows Live SkyDrive or even Office Live Workspace.
Both is free but please read the information carefully.

I begun to store all my pictures to Windows live, so I don't have to worry
backup and free space on my disk.

But please keep in mind I didn't try it myself with OneNote.

Please report if the idea matches or when your successful.



Hi Sajad and thanks for your reply.

I have previously tried both Sky Drive and Office Live workspaces and it
appears that neither works with OneNote. This seems pretty odd given that
both are provided Microsoft. Is OneNote targeted for the chop?

The USB solution could work but is not the 'automatic' set up and forget
solution I was looking for. Apart from paying for SharePoint hosting , it
appears that it is not possible to store OneNote notebooks on the web.

The compromise solution I plan to use (if no more ideas come from the
community), is to store the notebook on a home PC and make sure that I
connect to this regularly for synchronising. Not ideal as I still need to
remember to turn both computers on and ensure the network connection works.
In reality, I prefer to work on one computer at a time from work then home.


Hi Sajad,

I am not able to access the link you posted as I get a "can't find" message
from the site. Are you able to copy and paste the contents into this



Move down 4 lines or so and select "Microsoft Connect welcome page."

Jim Curts


Key item is >> EverNote online
While I LOVE OneNote, I find that I generally use it only on my desktop.

Using OneNote on a Pocket PC is, to say the least, difficult. When one uses
Exchange, it makes the program virtually useless. The only reason I have
OneNote Mobile still installed is to keep certain information natively on the

In short, unless one happens to dock their mobile to their desktop every
day, OneNote is no longer a viable option for Mobile Professionals. SOME sort
of wireless sync is a requirement these days, be it to servers (ala EverNote)
or some simple SharePoint conduit.

Of course, there is also the issue of Mac operability. This happens to be
another instance where EverNote has picked up the ball that OneNote has


Hi Sajad and thanks to the other people who have posted.

I still couldn't access the link or find the article, probably because I am
not a registered member of MS Connect.

Is Evernote an alternative to OneNote, or a complimentary product that
allows you to store a notebook online? I did a quick search but didn't find
how it could work with OneNote.

Also, does anyone know a free SharePoint hosting site where I could save my
personal notebooks to?


Rainald Taesler

Cam shared these words of wisdom:
Hi Sajad and thanks to the other people who have posted.

I still couldn't access the link or find the article, probably
because I am not a registered member of MS Connect.

Probably yes.
You have to Register.
Is Evernote an alternative to OneNote, or a complimentary product
that allows you to store a notebook online? I did a quick search
but didn't find how it could work with OneNote.

Evernote is totally different program.
It's one of the major competitors of OneNote.
And it has nothing to do with ON.
So I do not see why sabur/Sajad pointed to it



Thank you for your replies. It seems that SharePoint provides the only
OneNote compatible web storage solution.

Can anyone recommend a free SharePoint hosting site where I could store my
personal OneNote notebooks? I did a quick search but the sites I looked at
didn't look very trustworthy. Does Microsoft offer a service of this type?



sorry for the last post and the confusion.
The posts were accidentally and they shoud be place somewhere else.


Rainald Taesler

sabur said:
sorry for the last post and the confusion.
The posts were accidentally and they shoud be place somewhere else.

No problem at all.
Don't worry, be happy! <bg>



Thanks David and others for your suggestions. I now have enough information
make a decision.

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