Web Template Database Interface



I created a site using this template, when I try to edit the ASP code in FP,
it changes it back to the original code the wizard created. Anyone know how I
can get it to stop referring to the original code?



Edit the grey code, not the maroon, then save while still in Code or
HTML view. When you save the maroon code will be updated to match the


The code that I want to edit is not anywhere in grey. It is on the
submission_form.asp page. It is the text that displays when a form is
submitted. It is the Form Confirmation Text, etc.


Have you created your own confirmation page?
If so, change the form properties to point to the confirmation page.
If not, then do so and change the submission form properties to point to

To change the form properties,
Right click anywhere in the form
Choose Form Properties from the context menu
Click Options Button
On Database Results tag, Browse to the confirmation page
Click OK
Click OK
Save the page.

Unless you have a confirmation page, FrontPage will use its own.
Ron Symonds - Microsoft MVP (FrontPage)
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