This is a big - long term picture - question.
My team develops many large databases (SQL), some using Access on the front,
for a very large company.
Our IT department does not really support MS Access, although we truly have
great success, we need to migrate over to web front end applications.
Data Access Pages are limited in functionality so we have rearly used them,
not to mention they are no longer available in Access 2007 (to develop).
I am considering getting a few people trained in Microsoft Dot Net products.
Will ADO.NET give us the ability to mirror our MS Access applications
(Linked to SQL DB's).....
Or should I be looking down another avenue?????
My considerations are Cost, Training Time, and Qucikly getting rolling.


Larry Linson

ADO.NET is for data access, and, yes, it can access either Jet or Microsoft
SQL Server databases, but it is not a "development language" so you can't
create an application in it -- thus it alone will not give you the
capability to mirror your Access applications.

Re-creating your Access applications in .NET will require VB.NET, C#, or
other .NET languages, and you'll use them in the ASP.NET environment. Even
so, you are limited by the browser when you view the application and that
will limit the "richness of the user interface." You may want to
invesitgate "rich client" applications in .NET if this turns out to be a

In any case, expect development to take significantly more time and effort,
even after your developers climb the (steep) learning curve. Alas, if you
need a web interface, that will be the case regardless of the (currently
available) tools you can use -- some are more productive than others, but
you'll need to get that kind of evaluation from people who use them

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP


if you want to use DAPs; you should use ADP.

DAPs rock.

ADP rock.

MDB linked tables are for fucking babies. Spit on people that still
write MDB.

ADP Nationalist


This is what I need to know, thanks.
Any suggested reading material to help me get a better understand of the
..NET languages?

Thanks again

Larry Linson

This is what I need to know, thanks.
Any suggested reading material to help me
get a better understand of the
.NET languages?

In the Access world, there are many introductory self-study books, fewer but
still many at the intermediate level, and very few developer/advanced --
and we still have a consensus only at the developer/advanced level.

Those numbers are multiplied many times over in the .NET world, and I
wouldn't venture to suggest a particular one.

There are also many, many Microsoft-sponsored newsgroups on .NET and .NET
languages, and perhaps someone there has some favorites. As good a _website_
as any for a starting point would probably be https://www.gotdotnet.com/.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

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