webaccess discrepancies




We're experiencing some odd behaviour of MS project WebAccess. After
publishing the projects (all the possible ways tried) the resources can see
the tasks in their timesheets. (so far so good)

in the projectcenter, the project is shown, but when one clicks on it the
project is opened in a view but shows none or just a view tasks.

how can this be?


In a strange way, the publishing of tasks doesn't do what it is supposed to do.
modify a project. go to collaborate, publish and nothing happens!!! no
saving action, no dialogs that pop up. Just nothing.

Pusblishing individual tasks does work but only half of them appears in the

Can it be a Mdac problem?

Reid McTaggart

When you publish, you should see a small message in the extreme bottom left
corner of your screen that says the information has been sent (I forget the
exact wording). True, a dialog box would be nicer, but that's the way it is.

Regarding task assignments that do not appear in timesheets: Maybe the
user's timesheet view is set to display Current assignments, and the
assignments in question are outside of the current timeframe. Try clicking
on All assignments.

Did you get the Project detail views worked out?



There's no dialog, no has been sent Just Ready and NOTHING happened.
After publishing 1 sole task through the right mouse click method multiple
new information envelopes appear in the most left column and publish all
information or just republish does show the right dialog box. '

problem not solved (mdac???? 2,7 on client, 2.8 on server)
No current assignments, no all assignments and nothing in the adjust actuals
views (although the solution mentioned above solves this problem).

The detail view is still a mistery. Some projects work and some just simply
don't! Not for users, not for admins. there's no information to view. And yes
we are professionals and yes we know how to publish a project ;-)

Can it be a security issue on the server ?

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