I have a template that I bought and it has some code about a webbot to call a navigation bar. I would like to know how to change that and learn more baout it
<!--webbot bot="Navigation" s-orientation="horizontal" s-rendering="html" s-bar="Bars" s-btn-nml="<A HREF="#URL#" TARGET="#TARGET#" STYLE="{text-decoration: none;}">#LABEL#</A>" s-btn-sel="#LABEL#" s-btn-sep="&nbsp;|&nbsp;" s-type="top" b-include-home="FALSE" b-include-up="FALSE" --></td
Sage Morales
<!--webbot bot="Navigation" s-orientation="horizontal" s-rendering="html" s-bar="Bars" s-btn-nml="<A HREF="#URL#" TARGET="#TARGET#" STYLE="{text-decoration: none;}">#LABEL#</A>" s-btn-sel="#LABEL#" s-btn-sep="&nbsp;|&nbsp;" s-type="top" b-include-home="FALSE" b-include-up="FALSE" --></td
Sage Morales