
Why do I get this message in Publisher (WEBBOT-SELF). Trying to make a form
and use the submit button set up to email me.

Lori Sloan

Hi David!

I checked the FAQ, and either I'm too tired to read straight (which could be
the case), or there is no info at this location regarding specific
instructions about how to properly set up web form information retrieval
(email or form file on web server) to avoid getting the WEBBOT error.

I am desperate to find the info. I'm using Publisher (but don't have FP
installed - don't own the pgm). I'm trying to use a CSV file to collect my
info on my web server (FP extensions are activated). Any advice?


David Bartosik said:
On the FAQ page -
http://www.publishermvps.com/WebDesign/FAQ/tabid/30/Default.aspx - read and
comprehend all the questions on forms.
David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Barry said:
Why do I get this message in Publisher (WEBBOT-SELF). Trying to make a form
and use the submit button set up to email me.



David Bartosik has moved his Publisher webdesign content. You might want to
confirm that FPSE are successfully installed and are functional. Read the
article "Publisher web publication forms 101":

Also David recently posted an answer that might be helpful to you. Read the
post and David's response to: "Please help with redirecting files in Web
Page using Publisher 2003" 4/12/06 by Bill


Lori Sloan said:
Hi David!

I checked the FAQ, and either I'm too tired to read straight (which could be
the case), or there is no info at this location regarding specific
instructions about how to properly set up web form information retrieval
(email or form file on web server) to avoid getting the WEBBOT error.

I am desperate to find the info. I'm using Publisher (but don't have FP
installed - don't own the pgm). I'm trying to use a CSV file to collect my
info on my web server (FP extensions are activated). Any advice?


David Bartosik said:
On the FAQ page -
http://www.publishermvps.com/WebDesign/FAQ/tabid/30/Default.aspx - read and
comprehend all the questions on forms.
David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Barry said:
Why do I get this message in Publisher (WEBBOT-SELF). Trying to make a form
and use the submit button set up to email me.

Lori Sloan

Thanks for your quick reply! I'll read it. Somehow I managed to work
through it myself - not sure what I did. I learned a lot though!

Lori Sloan said:
Hi David!

I checked the FAQ, and either I'm too tired to read straight (which could be
the case), or there is no info at this location regarding specific
instructions about how to properly set up web form information retrieval
(email or form file on web server) to avoid getting the WEBBOT error.

I am desperate to find the info. I'm using Publisher (but don't have FP
installed - don't own the pgm). I'm trying to use a CSV file to collect my
info on my web server (FP extensions are activated). Any advice?


David Bartosik said:
On the FAQ page -
http://www.publishermvps.com/WebDesign/FAQ/tabid/30/Default.aspx - read and
comprehend all the questions on forms.
David Bartosik - [MSFT MVP]

Barry said:
Why do I get this message in Publisher (WEBBOT-SELF). Trying to make a form
and use the submit button set up to email me.


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