Excuse me but though your complaints are valid, I think you have some
unrealistic expectations about Publisher's web building capability.
Why don't you just use FrontPage to build your site to begin with? Probably
because even though it was specifically designed for building websites, it
also has limitations. There is no such thing as a perfect program...every
program has its limitations. Publisher is primarily a DTP with limited web
building capability. It is intended for relatively simple, small, static
sites. By design it produces a left justified, fixed width page with
absolute positioning. It is not an code editor. If you want a code editor,
use FrontPage, or the new Web Expression...or one of the other zillion code
editors out there. We who choose to use Publisher for building webs are
willing to make the tradeoff because of convenience and ease of use, and
learn to workaround the limitations, and change our design as necessary. You
also have that choice.
Yes, it would be great if MS would add the option of centering the web pages
in Publisher, but it isn't going to happen in the near future. And I suspect
that there is little motivation to improve Publisher much, because MS wants
people who outgrow Publisher or find it too limiting to buy Web Expression.
I still use MS Works 4.5 because it offers everything a small business
person needed. In fact it was so good that every version since then through
9 has been dummied down, with functionality stripped from the program. Why?
Cuz if they didn't there would be little motivation for most people to
invest in Office.
As Don suggests, once you get things set up correctly, you can use
replaceinfiles to edit the code of Publisher web pages with two clicks and
produce pages that will center dynamically. If you don't want to do that,
then David Bartosik suggested ways of simulating a centered page in the
article I referenced. It and other articles may seem outdated, but since all
versions of Publisher produce left justified pages, it is still relevant.
The difference is that this group has figured out workarounds for centering
pages, since he wrote that article. If you want the directions for centering
Pub 2007 pages, let us know and we will post it.
In the meantime, I would suggest that you are going to end up with a total
mess if you try to import your Pub html into FrontPage, and then back again.
Use one or the other...not both. The code produced by each is very different
and is not compatible.
Just my 2 cents worth...