Congrats on your first efforts.
First of all, I presume that you just posted the site. It can take a while
before the search engines find it, so be patient...or submit it to the
search engines.
Secondly, search engines are able to search and index text on a Publisher
built site, IF there is text to index. Your home page has basically no text,
and is mostly images without alt text...there isn't anything there to index.
Assuming that you are using Pub 2003 or 2007 (always post the version,
please), then go to Tools > Web Page Options and under Search engine
information type in a description of your website, and keywords. This will
give the search engines at least something to work with.
Also select one of your images > Format > Picture > Web tab and put in some
alt text for each of your pictures. Google will read the alt text. Some say
a picture is worth a thousand words....but not on the web unless you
actually add some alt text.
Also consider reworking your home page and adding some text that describes
what your website and company are all about. This is needed not only for the
search engines, it is needed by anyone that views your website. It should be
immediately obvious from reading the first paragraph what your website is
all about. Try to incorporate some of those key words that you put under the
search engine info...
Google SEO or search engine optimization, and start reading about the
subject. It is not so important what tool you use to build your site, as to
how put it together in order to optimize it for search engines. Also be
aware that you cannot rely on search engines alone...just because you built
it, does not mean they will come.
And finally, always check to see if any of your text has been converted to
an image. Note that if you try to left click, drag and select your title on
your home page, you cannot...that is because it has been converted to an
image. I suspect what you did there is to group that text with the pictures
beside it, which will convert all to one large image. Ungroup and test, and
the text should be text again. If it isn't a grouping issue, it may be that
you are not using a web font...
One more suggestion. Take a step back and read a bit about web design theory
and design. Web media is very different than the print media, and you have
to change your mindset. Here are a couple links to get you started:
and a favorite:
Post back if you have more questions, and take all my words with a grain of
salt...just one person's opinion ;-)