Website Layout



I am very inexperienced right now in creating web sites, but my church
has asked me to create one for them. I was wondering how you guys
take into account the way that your site looks on each user's machine
with regards to the user's monitor size and resolution? I have found
that you are able to set the height or width of an object to a
percentage of what I am guessing is the height or width of the page,
but my problem with that is that I have a flash video playing at the
top. Originally I had set the height and width of all my objects
using pixels. So I created the width of the video to be the same
width as a panel right below it. But, if I make the panel a relative
percentage of the page, then the video would not line up with it since
the video will have to be a set size. Do you guys use the pixels or
the percentage of the page when setting the height and width of an

Thanks for any replies.

Mike Koewler

I am presuming that you mean something different from placing an object
as a percentage of the original size and not a percentage of a
visitor's screen width is? Either that or you are not using Pub.

My stat counter tells me there are still a little over 30 percent of
site visitors who use a screen that is 800 pixels wide, so if you make
the screen wider than that, 1 out of three visitors will have a
horizontal scroll bar.

You should be able to drag the handles of an object to make it larger or
smaller. As long as you do not go much over 100 percent, it will not
hurt anything (I'm fairly sure most Flash is done with vector graphics,
so you can make them as large as you wish.


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