Website looks different on 2nd computer



I designed my website in FrontPage from my home computer. On the internet, it
looks just like I designed it. But, when I start FrontPage and view my
website to make changes from my work computer, it looks different. My link
buttons on the left of the webpages are gone, the fonts are different, etc.
Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. Thanks.

Kevin Spencer

What you're doing wrong is not looking at the site on enough computers! HTML
is interpreted by a browser instance, and the interpretation varies from one
browser manufacturer and version to another. In addition, you have the
computer hardware and software as well. Different screen resolutions will
make the same HTML appear differently even in the same browser. Different
hardware will have a similar effect. And don't forget the browser window
size, which also affects how the HTML looks.

The solution is not easy. It involves familiarizing yourself with how
different browsers, screen resolutions, and platforms affect how your HTML
looks, and making a number of determinations with regards to your target
audience and business requirements dictate that your HTML should behave. It
means getting inimately familiar with the browser object model, the HTML
object model, attributes, CSS styles, and what is the most effective means
of delivering your content.

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
I get paid good money to
solve puzzles for a living


Different screen resolutions will
make the same HTML appear differently even in the same browser.

It only makes it larger or smaller on lower or higher resolutions,
respectively. HOWEVER, if the browser window is maximized in both
resolutions, then it may indeed look very different. This conclusively
proves that the determining factor is the browser viewport dimension, not
the resolution. I don't want to have this discussion with you *AGAIN!* 8)

Kevin Spencer

I agree, I agree!

You say "tomato," I say "tomato."

Kevin Spencer
..Net Developer
Microsoft MVP
I get paid good money to
solve puzzles for a living

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