Week #'s in calendar



Is there any way to change the week #'s that display in
the Gantt chart? For example, the company's fiscal year
begins on 12/28/03, Project (2003) starts week 1 on
1/04/04. The company's week # & Project's week # differ
by 1. Can I change that?

Mike Glen

Hi jlv_rt ,

Welcome to this Microsoft Project newsgroup :)

You could try Tools/Options/Calrndar tab, and try setting Week starrts on:
pick a different day.

FAQs, companion products and other useful Project information can be seen at
this web address: <http://www.mvps.org/project/>

Hope this helps - please let us know how you get on :))

Mike Glen
MS Project MVP


Unfortunately, that doesn't appear to be the solution.
The day of the week isn't the problem - it's the week
that the year starts in. I'm not as experienced as some
of you I know, but I'm beginning to form bumps on my head
from running into the wall! I'm thinking there may not be
a solution....but thanks!

Steve House [MVP]

I'm unaware of any way to adjust that. Different organizations define their
fiscal week 1 differently. For some it's the week containing Jan 1, for
others it's the first full week in the year, for other's it's the week
containing Jan 1 unless that week contains less than 4 days in the new year
and then it becomes the following week, and there are probably other schemes
as well. As far as I know, with Project it's the first full week in the
fiscal year and there's no other options available. In defense of that,
since Project's basic job is to come up with a task schedule to be worked by
the resources and an estimated budget for the same it's not usually that
crucial an issue. Most people ( ie, your resources) use the normal civil
calendar in organizing their daily lives (even if their accounting
department uses the fiscal calendar). Since it's not an accounting
application anyway, does it really matter if the cost estimate of a resource
doing a task of December 29th gets charged against fiscal 2004 or fiscal
2005 in the project's budget estimates? When the work is done and the
actual timecards, invoices, checks, etc are massaged by the actual
accounting programs you use for general ledger, etc, they're going to get
apportioned to the right bucket anyway. Project's numbers, even actuals,
are really only estimates to a close approximation at best. In other words,
don't worry about it, a year from now no one will know the difference or
likely care one way or the other <grin>.

Rule 1 - don't sweat the small stuff. Rule 2 - most things are small stuff.



Thanks for the input. I'm not sure I followed everything,
but we most definitely agree on Rules 1 & 2! I'm trying
to help a student, and I don't think that accounting is
really the issue. I believe that they just don't like
that Project considers their week 1 to be week 2. They
seem reasonably happy with "you can't do that."



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